Saturday, May 16, 2009

getting out of town

i was really needing to escape from life this week- so i took off wednesday afternoon and thursday and spent a couple days with my brother and his awesome family in cottonwood! i have 3 nephews and a niece up there and i LOVE that i live close enough to see them- but i definitely don't make it up there as often as i should!
i got to hang out at their house with them wed afternoon and then take all the kids to the park while colton had baseball practice. Then i stopped and bought them all candy on the way home- i'm not the favorite aunt for nothing!! The kids are great- i can't believe how old they're getting and how fast they grow up it seems!! and i LOVE spending time with my sis-in-law Alicia. she is amazing has been such a great counselor, confidant, and friend over the last year. what a Huge blessing in my life!!
These pics are from quality Dacie and Aunt Kerri time on thursday morning. The boys were at school, and alicia had some errands to run, so we got to hang out, just the 2 of us. These were sitting on the porch swing in the morning. SO nice outside!

1 comment:

  1. Dacie is SO cute!! and you totally know how to amuse little kids--she looks thrilled to be hanging out with her favorite aunt!
