Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day weekend :)

This has been such an AWESOME break from work!!! i got off work on Friday at 12:30 and don't have to be back til Wednesday Morning!! I haven't really had a day off since i started back in September, so it's also a Much Needed break :) And an added bonus is that my sister and her family got here on Thursday and i've been able to spend the weekend with her- and some of my other nephews and niece! Just a few pics of me getting to play with Lola and Dacie

Other than playing with kids, i haven't been able to find much to do :( i have spent HOURS looking for some kind of project or something to keep me busy. i finally found a sewing project i liked and did it this afternoon. Kept me busy for a few hours.
i found it in this book of silly creatures. This one is a "Hexapus"- like an Octopus but it only has 6 legs. Not the best project i ever did, but it still turned out cute :) and my Lola likes it, so that's all that really matters!

1 comment:

  1. Love the breeze picture-CUTE CUTE CUTE...I don;t belong in your fam anymore---because I DO NOT SEW cute things or ANY thing for that matter!
